1. England consists of ... .

a) districts, b) counties, c) states, d) regions.

2. Smog is ... .

a) a man's suit, b) a heavy rain, c) a thick fog, d) a man's hat.

3. Porridge is made of... .

a) wheat, b) barley, c) rye, d) oats.

4. Who wrote "Winnie-the-Pooh"?

a) A. Milne, b) E. Lear, c) L. Carroll, d) J. Barrie.

5. A limerick is ....

a) a dish, b) a. rhyme, c) a bird, d) a game.


Ответ дал: CherryTheSweet
1. England consists of ... . d) regions (для информации, их 9 - North East, North West, East Midlands, West Midlands, Yorkshire anf the Humber, East, South East, South West и London)
далее регионы делятся на 48 b) counties
2. Smog is ... .
c) a thick fog
3. Porridge is made of... .
d) oats.
4. Who wrote "Winnie-the-Pooh"?
a) A. Milne, 
5. A limerick is ....
 b) a. rhyme
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