Заполните пропуски модальными глаголами, подходящими по смыслу
1. We … cancel the meeting. The proposals are not ready yet. 2. Sorry I won’t be in Moscow at that time. I … go to Minsk. My parents will celebrate their fortieth wedding anniversary. 3. You … thank them. They have done so much for you. 4. The shop was losing money, so they … close down. 5. You … exercise every day to keep fit. 6. He is overworking. He really … go to bed earlier. 7. I have a splitting headache. I … take an aspirin. 8. I know you … do the job because you have knowledge and experience. 9. We told him he … go home. 10. You … drive carefully, it is foggy today


Ответ дал: yfcnzdfy
можно так:
1. may. 2. must 3. should. 4. might 5. ought to 6. needs to 7. should или have to. 8. can 9. may. 10. should или have to.
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