why do liz simon and sarah feel this way помогите


Ответ дал: theredfunnycat1
Почему Лиза, Саймон и Сара думаю так(чувствуют так, полагаю, ситуацию ;и пр.)

oxxxnikbelov03: 3) why do liz simon and sarah feel this way
... that`s why she is happy.
... worries because ...
... that`s why she is unhappy.
... doesn`t care much for the clothes that is why...
... doesn`t want to compare her appearance with other girls` appearances becausw ...
... doesn`t want to compare her appearance because of ...
theredfunnycat1: откуда я могу судить, если у меня нет текста. вероятнее всего это задание по тексту
theredfunnycat1: тебе просто перевести?
oxxxnikbelov03: i think i look great. i like wearing smart things . and i am careful about my clotches. they are always clean and neat . my mum thinks i look a bit older than my girls in my class. so what :?i dont want to compare myself with others

Im 12 years old and i look really awful. i dont know what to do woth my awful hair. i have the ungliest nose in the world. i think im a bit plubp . i always worry about what o look like . i want to look loke all the models in our magazine

i dont care what people
oxxxnikbelov03: вот он
алина621: те что надо перевести
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