1) Use Indirect Speech
1. Tom said, "I am leaving for France in a few days."
2. Kate said, "I have never been to Brazil. I want to visit it this summer. "


Ответ дал: inararzazade
1. Tom said, "I am leaving for France in a few days."
Tom said that he was leaving for France in a few days 
2. Kate said, "I have never been to Brazil. I want to visit it this summer. "
Kate said that she had never been to brazil and she wanted to visit it in that  summer

inararzazade: learnt*
2288801: The boy said, "I know these places very well so I can act as your guide if you want."
2288801: "You speak English very well," said the woman to me.
2288801: Mother said to me, "I fell bad today"
inararzazade: The boy said that he knew those places very well so he could act as our guide if we wanted
inararzazade: the woman said to me that i spoke english very well
inararzazade: Mother said to me that she felt bad that day
2288801: The student said: "I cannot answer this question. I don't understand it."
inararzazade: The student said that he couldnt answer that question.and he didnt understand it.
2288801: Спасибо огромное
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