Из этих предложений составить текст, в котором бы выражалось отношение к школьной форме. Отношение должно быть положительным.
Discrimination because of clothes
Being proud of your school
Competition in dress at school
Not everybody can afford trendy clothes and brand names
Some fashionable clothes may distract some students from their study
Opportunity to show that you have something more to you than just your clothes
Sense of belonging to a school
Opportunity to express your individuality
Having your own style
Everybody looks the same


Ответ дал: duyly
Discrimination because of clothes
Being proud of your school
Not everybody can afford trendy clothes and brand names
Some fashionable clothes may distract some students from their study
Opportunity to show that you have something more to you than just your clothes
Sense of belonging to a school
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