Compare them and write the sentences.
Example: Bill is ten. Polly is eight. (old)
Bill is older than Polly.
1) Sarah is three. Alice is twelve. (young)
2) Green Street is 500 m long. Apple Street is 600 m long.
3) It is cold in Moscow in winter. It is very cold in Murmansk in winter.
4) TV programme 5 is interesting. TV programme 9 is very
5) Bill’s answer is good. John’s answer is not so good.
6) My flat is comfortable, my sister’s flat is very comfortable.
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Ответ дал: nunny
1) Sarah is younger than Alice. (young)
2) Green Street is shorter than Apple Street.
3) It is not so cold in Moscow in winter as in Murmansk.
4) TV programme 5 is not so interesting as TV programme 9.
5) Bill’s answer is better than John’s.
6) My flat is not so comfortable as, my sister’s.

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