Put the words in the correct opder to make sentences
1 bed/never/go/to/we/very late
2 always/bed/is/she/in/11 p.m/before
3 usually/she/goes/the cinema/to/the weekend/at
4 sometimes/before/watch/they/TV/dinner
5 he/tired/often/is/school/after
Помогите пж .


Ответ дал: назринcom
1)We never go to bed very late. 2) She is always in bed before 11p.m. 3) She usually goes yo the cinema at the weekend. 4) They sometimes watch TV before dinner. 5) He is often tired after school.
Ответ дал: liz172
1 We never go to bed very late
2 She is always
in bed before 11 p.m
3 she usually goes to the cinema at the weekend
4 they sometimes watch TV before dinner
5 he  is
often tired after school

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