Write what they did yesterday.
1. I often see this girl with her dog.
2. My Grandpa goes for a walk in the afternoon.
3. Kate buys a pasket of nats on her way to school.
4. Helen usually has only 'fours' and 'fives' in Maths.
5. My brother usually drinks milk before going to bed.


Ответ дал: binusita
I saw this girl with her dog.
My grandpa went for a walk.
Katy bought a pastry of nats.
Ответ дал: liz172
1. I saw this girl with her dog yesterday.
2. My Grandpa went for a walk in the afternoon yesterday.
3. Kate bought a pasket of nats on her way to school yesterday..
4. Helen had only 'fours' and 'fives' in Maths yesterday..
5. My brother drank milk before going to bed yesterday.
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