Ребят, это задание по настоящему простому и настоящему продолжительному времени The Present Simple and The Present Coutinous

Use present Simple or Present Progressive.

1) Somebody (build) is building a cottage next to mine.
2) When we go to Klin, we always (take) a train.
3) Listen! Somebody (move) on the kitchen.
4) Who (stand) under the tree?-I can see nobody there.
5) Princes and tsars usually (build) palaces for themselves.
6) My elder brother usually(walk) fairly fast.
7) Mrs Brown never (miss) her trains, busses or planes.She always (come) on time.
8) "Where they usually (change) trains?".
9) They (rebuild) the old cathedral in the centre of rhe centre of the city.
10) Any army (defend) its country from the enemy.

Помогите!!!! Пожалуйста!!! Я болела, а тему не поняла; взамен что угодно!


Ответ дал: nunny
1) Somebody is building a cottage next to mine.
2) When we go to Klin, we always (take) a train.
3) Listen! Somebody (is moving) on the kitchen.
4) Who (is standing) under the tree? - I can see nobody there.
5) Princes and tsars usually (build) palaces for themselves.
6) My elder brother usually (walks) fairly fast.
7) Mrs Brown never (misses) her trains, busses or planes.She always (comes) on time.
8) "Where do they usually (change) trains?".
9) They (are rebuilding) the old cathedral in the centre of the city.
10) Any army (defends) its country from the enemy. 

Жаннаgiptih: Спасибо!!!
Ответ дал: lovejoy
2 take 3 is moving 4 is standing 5 build 6 walks 7 misses, comes 8 where do they usually change 9 are rebuilding 10 defends

Жаннаgiptih: Спасибо!!!
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