Underline the correct item.
1 The concert is starting/starts at 9:00. Do you
want to go to dinner before that?
2 Have you met/Have you been meeting our
new neighbours yet? They seem really nice
3 We are going/will go to the cinema tomorrow
night. Why don't you join us?
4 I promise I am helping/will help you with your
homework as soon as I can
5 Nicole and her husband stay/are staying in a
nice hotel in the centre of the town
6 Watch where you're going! You are falling/are going to
fall into that hole!
7 Do you know where Sam is? I have waited/ have been
waiting for him for over an hour and I'm starting to lose
my patience.
8 There's someone at the door. I go/will go and see
who it is
9 Jane works/has worked at her dad's restaurant every
Friday night
10 Emma is always interrupting/has always interrupted
me whenever I tell a story. It's so annoying!


Ответ дал: angelic11
starts, have you met, we are going
will help, stay, are going to fall, have been waiting , will go, works, is always interrupting,
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