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Упражнение 1
Вставьте some , any , something , anything вместо точек.
1. She has read … of the books on the list. 2. I haven’t read … of the books on the
list. 3. We have spent … of our money. 4. They haven’t spent … of their money. 5.
He refuses to leave me … information. 6. They denied that there was … money
available. 7. There are … letters for you. 8. There is … for you. 9. There isn’t … for
Mr. John.



Ответ дал: liz172
1. She has read some of the books on the list.
2. I haven’t read any of the books on the list.
3. We have spent some of our money.
4. They haven’t spent any of their money.
He refuses to leave me some information.
6. They denied that there was some money 
7. There are some letters for you.
 8. There is something for you.
9. There isn’t anything for 
Mr. John.

mrodkina2014: еще не известно,завтра все скажут:)Но я думаю,что да)
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