Write a word from the box in each gap to complete the sentences.
(break, course, lesson, report, revision, subject, timetable)
1 Please remember to do your homework before the next ______ .
2 I hope Mrs Lockwood says I am working hard when she writes her end-of-term ______.
3 What is your favorite _____ at school ?
4 We have got a history test next week, so I have got to do lots of _____ this weekend.
5 We have a five-minute _________ between every lesson.
6 Look at the _______ to find out when and where all your lessons are.
7 I am thinking of doing a two-week English _______ in London next summer.


Ответ дал: 2245705

1. lesson
2. revision

3. subject

4. report

5. break

6. timetable

7.  cource

zaoprima: в 7 не cource, а course, но всё же спасибо)
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