Choose the best variant to compplete each sentence.
1.We ... television every night
a)watched b)are watching c)watch d)have watched
2.Look!John ... the street
a)is crossing b)crosses c)crossed d)will cross
3.They ... to a new flat two years ago
a)have moved b)had moved c)will mowe d)moved
4.He ... out his car when he heard a whistle
a)got b)was getting c)has got d)had got
5.I ... a new car.It's in front of the house
a)have bought b)am buying c)bought d)had bought


Ответ дал: CrystalMaidennn
1. С
2. A
3. В
4. B
5. A
Ответ дал: a0309651
1) watch
2) is crossing
3) had moved
4) was getting
5)have bought
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