Составьте 3 предложения:утвердительное,вопросительное,отрицательное. В Present Simple, Past Simple,Future Simple, Present Countinios,to be going to.
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Ответ дал: CherryTheSweet
+ I (you, we, they) work a lot./    +He (she, it) works a lot.
-  I (you, we, they) don’t work  a lot/  - He (she, it) doesn’t work  a lot.
? Do I (you, we, they) work  a lot? /  Does he (she, it) work  a lot?

Past Simple
+ They worked hard yesterday.
 - They didn’t work hard yesterday.
? Did  they work hard yesterday?

Future Simple
+   He will work a lot tomorrow.
- He won’t work a lot tomorrow.
?   Will he work a lot tomorrow?

Pr. Cont.
+ I am reading now.
- I am not reading now.
? Am I reading now?

Pete is going to win the gane.
Pete isn't going to win the game.
Is Pete going to win the game?
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