Write Yes/No questions to these sentences.
1 There is a nice park in the centre of the city.--------------------------
2 The children visit their Granny summer.---------
3 Nick spent his holidays at the seaside.---------------------------
4 The Browns are going to leave Moscow for Kiev.--------------------------------
5 Mary's mother cooks tasty pancakes.----------------------------
6 You can show your friend Red Square and the Kremlin.-----------------
7 They were in the swimming pool yesterday.--------------------
8 Kate has got a lot of flowers in front of her house.-------------------------


Ответ дал: nunny
1 Is there a nice park in the centre of the city?
2 Do the children visit their Granny summer?
3 Did Nick spend his holidays at the seaside?
4 Are the Browns going to leave Moscow for Kiev?
5 Does Mary's mother cook tasty pancakes?
6 Can you show your friend Red Square and the Kremlin?
7 Were they in the swimming pool yesterday?
8 Has Kate got a lot of flowers in front of her house?

labe1: спасибо!
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