диалог между двумя соседями по комнате на английском


Ответ дал: polina908polina
-Неllo! -Hi! -What's your name? - My name is Harry and you? - I'm Tobby. How old are you? -I'm 12. And you? I'm 12 to. -What kind of food do you like? Oh! I like pizza , cola and potatoes! I like pizza to! Let's go play in the street? Okey! Lets go!
Ответ дал: adaayel82
Afgan: Hello, is this the Englis class?
Teacher: yes, it is.
Afgan: Oh, good. I'm sorry. I am late!
Teacher: No, problem. What's your first name?
Afgan: Afgan.
Teacher: How do you spell that?
Afgan: A-F-G-A-N.
Teacher: And what' s your srname?
Afgan: A-B-D-U-L-L-A-Y-E-V.
Techer: Tanks, Afgan. Welcom to the class.
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