нужно составить предложения


garashovas: what is your name? where did you born? when did you born? where do you live?
garashovas: how long do you live there? do you have brothers or sisters? do they youngest or older? what do you do at your free time? have you been in other towns or countries? do you have a holidays in summer?
Alenad2002: спасибо
gunelalekborova: did you born не правильно. to be born
garashovas: ок


Ответ дал: gunelalekborova
What is your full name?
Where were you born?
When were you born?
Where do you live?
How long do you live there?
Have you got brothers and sisters?
Are they younger or older ?
What do you do in your free time?
Have you been to other countries or towns?
Had you holidays in summer?

Alenad2002: спасибо
garashovas: некоторые не правильные
gunelalekborova: кпкие
gunelalekborova: какие?
garashovas: сверь с моим ответом, найдешь неправильные
gunelalekborova: мы же говорим i was born in 1985 а не говорим i born in 1985
gunelalekborova: почему did написал?
garashovas: вместо did поставьте were
gunelalekborova: значит я правильно написала)
garashovas: да!!!!))))))
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