Задайте общий вопрос:
1. Edward Jenner discovered vaccination against smallpox. 2. This patient
has a very high temperature. 3. The veterinarian will inoculate animals next
week. 4. There are not many sick animals at the Institute’s clinic now.
5. Many veterinarians work in collective and state farms. 6. I shall not go to
the surgery clinic with my dog next week. 7. This man had a mild form of
cowpox two months ago. 8. There are many laboratories at our Academy.


Ответ дал: misunderstood
1. Did Edward Jenner discover vaccination against smallpox?
2. Does this patient have a very high temperature?
3. Will the veterinarian inoculate animals next 
4. Are there not many sick animals at the Institute’s clinic now?
5. Do many veterinarians work in collective and state farms?
6. Shall I not go to 
the surgery clinic with my dog next week?
7. Did this man have a mild form of c
owpox two months ago?
8. Are there many laboratories at our Academy?
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