3 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the word in brackets.
0 You look miserable. Why are you _____unhappy_____? (HAPPY)
1 My leg was so bad I was ________________ to complete the journey. (ABLE)
2 She had three ________________ years as an oboe player. (SUCCESS)
3 There was a lot of ________________ after the old Queen died. (SAD)
4 I need to see your passport or some other form of ________________. (IDENTITY)
5 Xavier did a wonderful ________________ of an old French poem. (TRANSLATE)
6 Where is your ________________? On your left leg or your right? (INJURE)
7 The body in the snow was completely ________________. (FREEZE)
8 Used cars might be quite old and not very ________________. (EXPENSE)
9 I can’t play the piano at all but my brother plays very ________________. (GOOD)
10 My test results were bad but his results were even ________________. (BAD)

Denisik007: 8. expensive. 9. good.
Denisik007: 10 worse


Ответ дал: Denisik007
1 disabled
2 successful
3 sadness
4 identification
5 translation
6 injury
7 frizzed
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