Complete the sentences
Use: height, tourists, explore, unusual, is situated
Lenas Stone Forest is one of the most beautiful Russian wonders of nature. The forest _______ in the centre of Siberia, not far from Yakutsk. The amazing stone towers are over 150 metres in ________. The ________ stones stand along rhe River Lena for about 80 km.
Although it is difficult to reach, many _________ visit the fantastic forest every summer. Scientists _________ the unique forest which can tell us a lot of interesting facts about our planets past.


Ответ дал: nunny
Lenas Stone Forest is one of the most beautiful Russian wonders of nature. The forest ____ is situated___ in the centre of Siberia, not far from Yakutsk. The amazing stone towers are over 150 metres in ____height____. The ____unusual____ stones stand along the River Lena for about 80 km.
Although it is difficult to reach, many ____
tourists_____ visit the fantastic forest every summer. Scientists ____explore_____ the unique forest which can tell us a lot of interesting facts about our planets past.

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