Заполните пропуски артиклями,где это необходимо.
Ann is... worker. She works at... large factory. ... factory is ... long way from ... Moscow. Ann lives near ... factory and usually walks there. She finishes ... work at six in ... evening. Her sister is ... student, she lives in... Moscow. She learns ... German. Ann often gets... letters from her


Ответ дал: agayeva89
Ann is..a. worker. She works at...a large factory. ..the. factory is ...a  long way from ... Moscow. Ann lives near .the.. factory and usually walks there. She finishes ... work at six in .the.. evening. Her sister is ...a student, she lives in... Moscow. She learns ... German. Ann often gets... letters from her

Аноним: I?
Аноним: копировать та зачем:DD
Ответ дал: swz1
Ann is a worker. She works at large factory. The factory is long way from Moscow. 
Ann lives near the factory and usually walks there.
She finishes her work at six in the evening. Her sister is a student, 
she lives in Moscow. She learns German. Ann often gets letters from her.

Аноним: успакойся:DDD мне ответы нужны если че
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