4. Дополните предложения нужной формой местоимений ( производное от местоимения, данного в начале), переведите предложения. She.1. … doesn’t love anyone . 2. She is in love with … . 3. Doris is … daughter. 4. Do you see … ? 5. They are … . They .1. … are too young . 2. They can’t look after … . 3. … mother works in a bank. 4. Your shoes are very nice, I like … . 5. Can you see that house ? It’s … .


Ответ дал: angelic11
1. she, 2. her, 3. her, 4. her, 5. hers
1. they, 2. them. 3. their. 4. them. 5. theirs
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