сочинить предложение с каждым выражением (Примеры слов) make the bed. wash the dishes. feed our pets. gather appels. set the table. clean the car. sweep the path(s) cook meals. dust the fur(n)iture. work in the garden. помогите пожалуйста!


Ответ дал: vikatish
1.      I make the bed every day.
2.      Usually girls help their mothers to wash the dishes.
3.      My little brother likes to feed our pets.
4.      My grandparents gather apples in September.
5.      We set the table very quickly.
6.      I need to clean the car because it is dirty.
7.      My sister sweeps the paths in the garden.
8.      My dad cooks meals very good.
9.      It is necessary to dust the furniture every week.
10.  My mother likes to work in the garden.

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