ТB. Read and fill in. Choose the words from the box. Sunday is Laura's favorite day. She … (1) at 10 o'clock. … (2) the morning and she … (3) breakfast. Then, she … (4) her favorite programme on TV. … (5) 12 o'clock she has lunch with her family. In the afternoon, she … (6) her friends. At 6 o'clock, she comes … (7) and eats … (8). Then, she … (9) to music or reads a book. In the … (10), she plays with her toys, and at 10 o'clock she goes to bed. Laura loves Sundays! a) gets up; b) home; c) in; d) has; e) listens; f) evening; g) watches; h) at; i) dinner; j) visits.


Ответ дал: liz172
1a 2c 3d 4g 5h 6j 7b 8i 9e 10f
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