Ответьте на вопросы Пожалуйстааааааааа!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! очень надо


bagz98banny: 2) I know that the cellphones were made in 1973 by Martin Cooper
bagz98banny: 3) The greatest achievement is human on the moon. It was a great scientific achievement to put a man in space and then land on the thin atmosphere of the moon. It shows that the horizons of people are not limited.
bagz98banny: I'd like to be an inventor because it's significant to be useful and helpful for this world.
bagz98banny: 5) If I had a chance to invent something, I would invent flying cars. It would be brilliant. People will have more spare time and won't waste it on the traffic jams.
firacka: Спосибо большое


Ответ дал: bagz98banny
1) In my opinion,the most important inventions are radio and television. It's necessary nowadays to know all the news. The tv provides a huge variety of instructive films in geography, biology, physiology and so on.

firacka: это 1 вопроса ответ?
bagz98banny: даа
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