1.When l left the institute i didnt know yet the students had got because their papers...through.
.had been looking
.were being looked
.was looking
2.my friends .... in latin america when they heard the news.
.are trevelling
.were trevalling
3.linda is reading the newspaper.she .... reading it for two hours.
.has been
4.india has been an independent country ..... 1947.
5.i dident know who she was.i .... never....her before.
6.the house was dirty.they ... clened it for weeks.
.do not
7.i ate a piece of chocolate cake.


Ответ дал: nunny
1. When l left the institute I didnt know yet the students had got because their papers...through. .were being looked
2.my friends .... in latin america when they heard the news. .were trevalling
3.linda is reading the newspaper. she .... reading it for two hours..  has been
4.india has been an independent country ..... 1947.  .since
5.i dident know who she was. i .... never....her before..had..seen
6.the house was dirty.they ... clened it for weeks.  .hadnt
7.i ate a piece of chocolate cake. .актив

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