Поставьте правильные глаголы в вопросах.
That day Jane felt so sad she cound (cry/smile).
The pupils (ended/finished) decorating the hall late in the afretnoon.


Ответ дал: nunny
That day Jane felt so sad she couldn't (smile).
The pupils (finished) decorating the hall late in the afretnoon.

Аноним: Do you watch matches of your favorite football (crew/team) on television?
We are playing besketball in the gym ? would you like to join (-/in)?
No one liked the dish, we thougth ended (up/with) near one of the most buautiful cathedrals of the city.
When Tim was at school ? he took part in (athlete/athetic) competitions.
You are the only person who can help me ? (nobody/somebody) ense can do it.
Taking other peoples things is a rather (dishenest/henist) theing to do.
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