Развитие умения понимать на слух.(правила поведения дома) (слайд)

A girl is talking about her family’s way of life. Are these sentences true or false?

Hi! My name is Kerry. I live in London, England. I live with my mum, dad and my sister Charil. I like living in London because there are a lot of museums, theatres, cinemas, parks an sport centres with swimming pools. I like spending time with my friends. But I always ask my parents’ premission before I go anywhere. Rules are simple in our house. I must always be home on time. I must help with the chores in the house. Mustn’t watch TV if I haven’t done my homework. And I mustn’t spend a long time on the phone. My mum and dad come from Jamaica. This summer we may go on holiday there.

1.Karry has to go to the swimming pool.________F

2.Karry’s parents may not know where she is sometimes._______F

3.Kerry has some chores (обязанности) in her family.________T

4.Kerry’s parents are strict (строгие) about watching TV._______T

5.Kerry’s parents are not strict about using the phone._________F
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Ответ дал: nunny
1. Karry has to go to the swimming pool. False
2. Karry’s parents may not know where she is sometimes.
3. Kerry has some chores (обязанности) in her family. True.
4. Kerry’s parents are strict (строгие) about watching TV.
5. Kerry’s parents are not strict about using the phone.

марселин1234: спасибооооооооооооо большое спасибо !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Ты супер)))))
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