Exercise 6. Complete the sentences with the affirmative, negative or interrogative form of used to and the verbs in the box.

be do like live speak work

1. My sister __________ this town, but she hates it now.

2. Where _______ she _________, before she lived in London?

3. She ______ any exercise, but now she goes running every day.

4. She ______ any Italian, but now she’s almost fluent.

5. My mum ______ in a bank, but she’s unemployed now.

6. _____ she _______ a waitress before she became an actress?


Ответ дал: 931233
1 used to like
2 where did she used to live...
3 didn't use to do
4 didn't use to speak
5 used to work
6 Did she use to be...
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