Выбери правильное слово . Вместо точки ! 1, The sisters ..... their beds in the morning. a ) make b) do с ) clean 2 . Did you ... the flowers yesterday ? a ) clean b) water c) make 3 . I " ll .. . my homework on Sunday . a ) go b) make c) do 4. Jane , willl you help me to .... the washing up ? a ) make b) do c) clean 5 . Mag " s father ..... the stars in the evening . a ) sees b) looks c) watchec 6 . Helen and Betsy like to .... shopping . a ) walk b) go c) make Составьте предложения . 1) went , bed , Yesterday , to , she , early . - ________________________________________ 2) the , lays . the , table , morning . Ann , in . - _________________________________________ 3) you , go , yesterday , shopping , Did ? - ________________________________________ 4) you . help , grandma . your , Will ? - ________________________________________ 5) Mag , not , play , did , games , computer . - _________________________________________ 6) was , on , table , a , box , There , the . - ________________________________________ Прочитай предложения . Вставь предлоги . on , under , in , behing , next to , on ( предлоги ) 1) There are a lot of toys ____ the box . 2) There is a football ______ the chair . 3) There are beautiful flowers _______ the table . 4) There is a sofa _______ the box of toes . 5) There is a scooter ______ the chair .


Ответ дал: appleseen

1. a; 2.b; 3.c; 4.b; 5.c; 6.b;

1) Yesterday she went to bed early.

2) Ann lays the table in the morning.

3) Did you go shopping yesterday?

4) Will you help your grandma?

5) Mag did not play computer games.

6) There was a box on the table.


1.in; 2.under; 3.on; 4.next to; 5. behind.

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