Write down. What are these things?
1.You watch a play here.
2.You go here on Sunday to pray church.
3.You go to a restaurant to eat.
4.There is a lot of money here.
5.To report a crime, go to the police station.
6.A bridge goes over it.
7.The _____ of the hotel is 1, Beach Street.
8.If you want to watch a film, go to the ______.
9.Nurses and doctors work here.
10.You have dinner here and pay for it.

oleni4eva16: хорошо, подожди секунду. Где пропуски помочь нужно?
inna574: и не только, а надо еще 1,3,4,6,7,8,9,и 10
inna574: проблема в том что я не знаю куда писать слова
inna574: ну все ???
oleni4eva16: ты пиши так: 1) you watch a play here. It is theatre. и т.д.
inna574: 1.You watch a play theatre here.
inna574: 1.You go here on Sunday to pray church.
inna574: You go to a restaurant to eat.
inna574: вот эти предложения правильные ответьте??
oleni4eva16: все правильно) ты молодец))


Ответ дал: nunny
1. You watch a play here.  Theatre.
2. You go here on Sunday to pray. Church.
3. You go there to eat. Canteen.

4. There is a lot of money here. Bank.
5. To report a crime you go there. The police station.
6. A bridge goes over it. River.
7. The __address_ of the hotel is 1, Beach Street.
8. If you want to watch a film, go to the cinema.
9. Nurses and doctors work here. Hospital.
10. You have dinner here and pay for it. Restaurant.

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