Раскройте скобки и употребите глагол-сказуемое в нужной форме(Past Simple,Past Continuous, Past Perfect Active Voice). Предложения переведите.
1. He told me he never …(to be) to India.
2. I …(to wake) up late last morning because I …(to forget) to set my alarm – clock.
3. I …(to read) a library book when I …(to find) a 10 note between two pages.
4. What …you …(to do) at ten o’clock last night?
5. When Mary …(to see) the question, she …(to know) the answer.


Ответ дал: MrsSand
1. He told me he had never been to India.
2. I woke up late last morning, because I had forgotten to set my alarm-clock.
3. I was reading a library book, when I found a 10 note between two pages.
4. What were you doing at ten o'clock last night?
5. When Mary saw the questions, she had known the answer.
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