Переведите плиз на английский ( он живёт рядом со школой мы с ним учимся в одном класе он носит очки только на урока хорошо учиться по всем предметам хорошие оценки волосы чёрные всем учителям помогает и друзьям вобщем он классный )


Ответ дал: mashakova

He lives near the school we had to learn the classical one he wears glasses only good lesson to learn in all subjects a good score for black hair helps all teachers and friends in general he is a great

Ответ дал: lnevos

He lives near the school and we study at the same class. He wears glasess only during the lessons. He is very good in every subjects and always has good marks. His hair is black.  He helps to all teachers and friend. And in general he is very cool.

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