. Поставьте предложения в отрицательную форму.

1. They are working hard now. 2. It is raining right now. 3. He is holding his bag now. 4. There is a picture on the wall. 5. The tall teenager is from Europe. 6. The boys are fixing the car now. 7. There are many chairs in the other room. 8. Those houses are very large. 9. Miriam's mother is talking to the teacher. 10.1 am watching a football game now.


Ответ дал: selena190696

 They are not working hard now. 2. It isn't raining right now. 3. He isn't holding his bag now. 4. There isn't a picture on the wall. 5. The tall teenager isn't from Europe. 6. The boys aren't fixing the car now. 7. There aren't many chairs in the other room. 8. Those houses are not very large. 9. Miriam's mother is not talking to the teacher. 10.1 don't watching a football game now.

Ответ дал: Polinka4853
1. They are not (aren't) working hard now. 2. It is not (isn't) raining right now. 3. He is not (isn't) ..... 4. Is not (isn't)..... 5. Is not (isn't).... 6. Are not 7. Are not 8. Are not 9. Is not 10. Am not
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