look, read and match (20 points) soccer mat 5.15. volleyball match 1.15. piano lesson 8.30. Jenny's party 9.45. 1) whar time is Jenny's party? 2) ) what time is the soccer match? 3) what time is the piano lesson? 4) what time is the volleyball match? a) at quarter past one. b) at quarter past five c) at quarter to ten. d) at half past eight


Ответ дал: nunny
1) What time is Jenny's party? Jenny's party is at 9:45. c) at a quarter to ten.
2) What time is the soccer match? The soccer match is at 5.15. b) at a quarter past five
3) What time is the piano lesson? The piano lesson is at 8.30. d) at half past eight 
4) What time is the volleyball match?The volleyball match is at  1.15. a) at quarter past one.

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Diana237: CпАсИбКиИиИи
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