Надо очень срочно, пожалуйста помогите



Ответ дал: КсишаМендес
ужасное фото, можешь перефотографировать, может помогу

крут2014: Помоги мне пожалуйста
крут2014: КсишаМендес
olyadina: Put the brackets into Present Perfect Simple or Present Continuous.
1.Don`t walk in here. I...(just/clean) the floor.
КсишаМендес: что ??????????
крут2014: Помоги
olyadina: 2.Jane is hangry. She...(not/cat) anything for six hours
olyadina: задание:put the verbs in brackets into Present Perfect Simple or Present Continuous
olyadina: 3.She is tried. She ...(study) for four hours.
olyadina: 4. I don`twant to see that film again. I........(see) it twice already.
5.Sandy......(teach) English for 10 years.
6.Chrips......(not/do) the washing up yet.
7.He.......(walk) all the morning.
8. They.........(play)in the garden for twoo hours.
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