Complete with a phrasal verb. Use rhese Verbs in the right tense.
глаголы:look after, turn down, look for, take out, take after, fall behind, break off, take back, come across.
предложения:1)The TV was too loud so I ____ the volume.
2)Peter ___ the suit ___ to the shop yesterday as there was a button missing.
3)He ___ the wallet and paid the bill.
4)Do you think you could ___ my cats while I'm away?
5)Jason ___ a letter from an old friend.
6)Bill ___ his grandfather.They are both tall with green eyes.
7)When Sally dropped her cup, the handle ____.
8)I ___ Sam. Have you seen him?
9)He had to stay in hospital for two weeks so he ___ with his lessons.
помогите срочно надо!!!!!!!


Ответ дал: nunny
1)The TV was too loud so I __turned down__ the volume.
2)Peter _took__ the suit _back__ to the shop yesterday as there was a button missing.
3)He _took out__ the wallet and paid the bill.
4)Do you think you could _look after__ my cats while I'm away?
5)Jason _came across__ a letter from an old friend.
6)Bill __
takes after_ his grandfather.They are both tall with green eyes.
7)When Sally dropped her cup, the handle __broke off__.
8)I __am loking for_ Sam. Have you seen him?
9)He had to stay in hospital for two weeks so he __
fell behind_ with his lessons.

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