в подписи к этим картинкам закрались ошибки. Исправите их.
образец: Sam is going home.
Sam is not going home.
He is going to school.
1) Ron is driving his old car.(есть картинка человек с улыбкой в машине)
2)Don is wrriting in Russian.(есть картинка человек пишет письмо и текст начинается Hello)
3) Will is standing at the bus stop.(есть картинка строит человек а сверху надпись shop)
4) Rose is taking her little brother to the zoo.( мама с мальчиком идет в cinema)


Ответ дал: Volkh
Ron is  not driving his old car. Ron is driving his new car.
Don is not writing in Russia.  Don is  writing in English.
Will is not standing at the bus stop. Will is standing near the shop.

Rose is not taking her little brother to the zoo. Rose is taking her little brother to the cinema.

Ответ дал: Anonymous11111
1)Ron isn't driving his old car. He is driving his new car
2)Don isn't writing in Russian. He is writing in English
3)Will isn't stainding at the bus stop. He is standing at the shop
4)Rose isn't taking her little brother to the zoo. She is taking her little bro to the cinema

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