Напишите рассказ на английском,про компьютер,Чем он вреден и чем хорош
А внизу перевод пожалуйста

Аноним: я первый


Ответ дал: Аноним
One of the main problems that is associated with the computer - a substantial load on vision. In turn, the visual fatigue affects the general condition of the child, both mentally and physically. It is important to adjust the brightness and contrast of the monitor so that your eyes do not get tired quickly. You also need to properly set the screen resolution and frame rate. With the child to do special exercises for the eyes. Today's age is a period of high-tech, rapidly developing scientific and technical progress. With the advent of computers we had priceless friends, so to speak, to help us resolve a great number of tasks, assume by the World Wide Web emerged an opportunity to talk with people who are far away from each other. Based on all of the computers today is closely intruded into our lives, work and era of paper-based information is gone for a long time in the well-forgotten past
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