1)You (to read) that magazine yet? – No , I only just (to begine ) it.
2)Mr. Jones ( to leave) London ?- No , hes still in London.
3)When the group of tourists ( to arrive ) in New York ?- It ( to arrive) yesterday.
4) I (not to see) Ann at the lecture .
5) I (not to see ) thes film yet , but I ( to hear) a lot about it .
6 ) HE isn,t here ? he just ( to go ) out .
7 ) I (to have ) no news from him since he ( to leave) home.
8) We ( to discuss) the matter during breakfast .
9)I cannot give you a definite answer as I ( not to discuss) the matter with the manager.
10) When you ( to go ) to Brazil ?
11)It,s two monhs since I (to start) driving my car.
12 ) This is the first time I ( to eat) so many hamburgers .
13) My father ( to work ) for that company for five years. Then he gave it up.
14) I ( to use) to be afraid of dogs .
15) susan( to use ) to sit in her room and play the piano for hours

korolartur2401: Помогите пожалуйста )


Ответ дал: BorisKonoplia
1)Have you read that magazine yet? – No , I have only just begune it.2)Did Mr. Jones leave London ?- No , he's still in London.
3)When did the group of tourists arrive in New York?- It arrived yesterday.
4) I didn't see Ann at the lecture .
5) I haven't seen this film yet , but I heard a lot about it .
6 ) HE isn,t here ? he has just gone out .
7 ) I haven't had no news from him since he left home.
8) We were discussing the matter during breakfast .
9) I cannot give you a definite answer as I haven't discussed the matter with the manager.
10) When did you go to Brazil ?
11) It's two month since I have started driving my car.
12 ) This is the first time I have eaten so many hamburgers .
13) My father was working for that company for five years. Then he gave it up.
14) I used to be afraid of dogs .
15) susan used to sit in her room and play the piano for hours

korolartur2401: Спасибо большое )))))
BorisKonoplia: сори, begun*
korolartur2401: я заметил )
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