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smear      torches processions
steeped       parties
spirits    a treat      property    grinning

On Halloween people often go to (1) ___. Children dress up in costumes and masks of witches, ghosts or skeletons and go (2) ___. They ask for candies, apples or (3) ___. If they do not receive (4) ___, they may play a trick: (5) ___ windows and (6) ___ with shaving cream or soap; hit a front door with a sock filled with flour. In Scotland, a country (7) ___ in Halloween traditions, there is a custom of burning a model of witch on a bonfire at Halloween time. All over the country people used to light bonfires to keep evil (8) ____ away. In Britain, (9) ____ have always been associated with Halloween. British farmers used to carry torches around their (10) ___ and recite spells to protect it through (11) ___ winter months. But everywhere the most common symbol of Halloween is the (12) ____ jack-o’-lantern, carved from a big harvest pumpkin.


Ответ дал: alonesenna
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