Определите тип вопроса. Ответьте на предложенные вопросы, используя слова в скобках, где необходимо.
1. What have you read this month? (an interesting article)
2. Have you seen any interesting film lately?
3. What has your friend just seen? (a new film)
4. Have you ever been to Sochi or to Crimea?
5. He hasn’t come home yet, has he?
6. Have they seen cartoons or films?
7. Who has translated this article?
Exercise № 15
Поставьте вопросы к следующим предложениям в соответствии с их типом, указанным в скобках:
1. They have never been to any foreign countries. (специальный вопрос)
2. We have already seen this new film. (разделительный вопрос)
3. His friend has translated two English books into Russian. (альтернативный вопрос)
4. They have never lived here. (общий вопрос)
5. They’ve sent us several telegrams lately. (разделительный вопрос)


Ответ дал: JaneXX
1. special question;
I have read an interesting article this month.
2. geneal question;
Yes, I have. I have seen an interesting film lately.
3. special question;
My friend has just seen a new film.
4. alternative question;
I have been to Sochi?
5. tag/disjunctive question;
No, he hasn’t come home yet.
6. alternative question;
They have seen films?
7. question to the subject
I have translated this article?

1. Why have they never been to any foreign countries?
2. We have already seen this new film, haven't we?
3. Has his friend translated two English or German books into Russian?
4. Have they ever lived here?
5. They’ve sent us several telegrams lately, have they?
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