Подчеркните сказуемое в следующих предложениях

1. What is boiling in the flask
2. The ship will be crossing the channel at 9 о'clock according to the timetable.
3. They were mounting the new machine-tools from 5 to 7 о'clock.
4. An interesting research is being done at our institute.
5. What are you doing tonight?

mirasushanova: помогите найти сказуемое пожалуйста


Ответ дал: слюда
1is boiling-Present Continuous Active
2will be crossing- Future Continuous Passive
3were mounting-Past Continuous Active
4is being done-Present Continuous Passive
5are doing-Present Continuous Active

mirasushanova: это сказуемое
mirasushanova: спасибо
слюда: сказуемое.и видо-временные их формы
слюда: во2 не PassiveаActive.пардон)))))))
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