Exercise 2. Write a tag for each sentence.
1. Harry has been helping you,……………………?
2. You don`t eat meat, …………………………?
3. Paul was sleeping, ……………………?
4. I missed a good film, ………………………..?
5. Jane is leaving in the morning, ……………..?
6. We are going to win, ………………………?
7. Jack hasn`t done his homework, …………………….?
8. You weren`t having dinner, ………………………?
9. David and Kate aren`t coming to the party, …………………….?
10. Sue didn`t leave early, ………………….?


Ответ дал: слюда
1hasn't he?
2do you?
3wasn't he?
4didn't I?
5isn't she?
6aren't we?
7has he?
8were you?
9are they?
10did she?

aren't we?

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