Yesterday the barkers left .....scotland . 2 we never leave ..... Moscow in winter . We always stay ni the capital in that season.3 Harry ,
when are you leaving.....Paris ! How logoing are you going to stay in the capital of France . 4 Rihard Barkers always left ..... London in summer when he was a student .He vizited his parants in Biackpool.5 We areleaving ..... Moscow tomorrow .I.will see the Kremlin and Red Sguare soon .6 If you want to be in time for ciasses , leave ..... your flat at eight oclock.


Ответ дал: nunny
1. Yesterday the Barkers left London for Scotland.
2. We never leave Moscow in winter. We always stay in the capital in that season.
3. Harry, when are you leaving for Paris? How long are you going to stay in the capital of France?
4 Rihard Barkers always left London in summer when he was a student. He visited his parants in Biackpool.
5 We are leaving for Moscow tomorrow. I will see the Kremlin and Red Sguare soon.
6 If you want to be in time for classes, leave your flat at eight oclock.

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