Fill in the articles where necessary to complete the story

Vicki and her friends decided to start their own Clean Up (1) Countryside Society. (2) girls had (3) another meeting (4) next day. Vicki offered to watch for (5) rubbish dumpers. Everybody agreed and soon Rosie and Jane noticed (6) picnickers. (7) picnickers were finishing (8) lunch and they left all (9) rubbish on (10) ground. (11) girls asked what (12) picnickers were going to do with (13) litter. (14) tall man with (15) American accent said he did not know what Vicki meant, but (16) woman with (17) little hat on said that (18) young lady (she called Vicki like that) was right. (19) woman said they couldn't leave (20) rubbish there. Vicki gave them (21) bag to put (22) rubbish in. (23) woman thanked (24) girls for helping them understand that (25) country was (26) beautiful place.

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SaidMuhammad95: Пример:

1. A
2. -
3. The


Ответ дал: liz172
1the 2the 3- 4the 5- 6- 7the 8- 9the 10the11the 12the 13the 14a 15 an 16a 17a 18the 19the 20the 21a 22the 23the 24the 25the 26a

SaidMuhammad95: Разве артикли пишутся со мн. ч?
SaidMuhammad95: The rubbish почему? Мусор разве определённый?
liz172: The girls - потому что речь идет именно о девочках,которые состоят в обществе, а не вообще о каких-то девочках,
SaidMuhammad95: А 3 вопрос?
SaidMuhammad95: Мусор ведь неопределённый
liz172: The picnickers. В первый раз упоминается без артиклей. При вторичном упоминании с определенным артиклем.
liz172: Мусор с определенным артиклем. Речь идет о мусоре, оставленным после пикника.
SaidMuhammad95: т.е. при вторичном упоминании определённый артикль?
SaidMuhammad95: Всё понятно
SaidMuhammad95: Спасибо!
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