Поставьте глаголы в нужную форму ,выбрав Past Simple или Past Continuous.

1) When her husband (come) home, Anne (watch) televiion.
2) I (prepare) dinner when the telephone(ring).
3) What (you do) when the postman (arrive)?
4) Julie (learn) to drive when she (work) in London.
5) Where (you sit) when the show (begin)?
6) I (visit ) Athens while (tour) Greece.
7)It was when he (cross) the steet that John(faii).
8) What (you see) whie you (wait) for the bus ?
9)Where (you go )When your car (break ) down?
10)Julie (meet) Peter when she (walk) in the park.



Ответ дал: слюда
1came.was watching
2was preparing.rang
3were you doing,arrived
4was learning.worked
5were you sitting.began
6visited.was touring
7was crossing.fell
8did you see.were waiting
9were you going.broke
10met.wad walking
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