Circle the correct verb form in each sentence.
1) it is/was hot yesterday.
2) she can/could swim when she is/was three.
3) we wasn't / weren't at the cinema last Saturday.
4) was/were John at the party?
5) can/could you come to my party? Yes, I can/could .
6) Where was/were you at 10.00 yesterday ?
7) Was/were his sister a student in 2012?
8) Can/could her brother drive when he was at school?


Ответ дал: КрутаяБаффи
1. It was hot yesterday.
2. She couldn't swim when she was three.
3. We weren't at the cinema last Saturday.
4. Was John at the party?
5. Can you come to my party? - Yes, I can.
6. Where were you at 10.00 yesterday?
7. Was his sister a student in 2012?
8. Could her brother drive when he was at school?

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