1) I (learn) English for nine years. 2) They (learn) several poems by heart this year. 3) She
never (be) to France, but she (teach) French for twenty years. 4) We (look) through the
magazine. You may take it. 5) My aunt (look) for her keys since morning and she (not find)
them yet. 6) How long they (work) on this project? — I don’t know. I think they (do) it for
nearly a month. 7) It (snow) since morning. When will it stop snowing? 8) I (know) Andrew
for ten years. 9) Tom (sleep) since 9 p.m. and he (not wake) up yet. 10) How long you (take)
pictures? — Quite long. I (be) in the business for ten years already.


Ответ дал: marinazure
1Have learned, 2they have learned 3she has never been, but she has taught, 4we looked through, 5has been looking, has not found 6 how long have they worked, they have been doing, 7 it has been snowing 8 I know 9 tom has been sleeping and he has not woke up yet, 10 how long have you taken 11 I have been
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