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1.Поставьте все типы вопросов к предложению:
He always ring his secretary early in the morning
2. Дайте 3 формы глагола: слушать, сидеть, показывать, говорить; to rise, to stand, to catch, to give

слюда: слышатьhear heard heard
inararzazade: там слушать
слюда: слушать правил.глагол listen-listened-listened


Ответ дал: inararzazade
1.He always rings  his secretary early in the morning.doesnt he? 
2.Does He always ring his secretary or his father early in the morning ?
3.Does He always ring his secretary early in the morning ?
4.Who always rings his secretary early in the morning?
5.When does he ring his secretary?Whom does he always ring  early in the morning ?
слушать - listen -listened-listened 
 сидеть- sit -sat -sat
 показывать-show - showed -showed
говорить- say-said-said 
 to rise-rose-risen 
, to stand- stood -stood
, to catch- caught -caught 
, to give-gave -given 

Ответ дал: слюда
во первых rings!!!!
1does he always ring his........?
2does he alwayd ring his secretary or his wife.....?
3who always rings his secretary.....?
4who does he always ring .....?
5when does he always ring his secretary?
6he always rings his secretary early in the morning,doesn't he?
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